One factor alone prevents a lot of people from enjoying summer: the unpleasant heat. However, that doesn't mean you should stop appreciating the beautiful things about the season because it's absurdly hot outside. There are many ways to stay cool even on the sweatiest, hottest, and most wretched summer days, even if you don't have a tonne of money to throw at a central air system or a helper to fan you with palm fronds.
Make sure you are always adequately hydrated, to prevent fainting and dehydration. Not just water, you can add sugarcane juice, watermelon shake, milkshakes, and coolers to your everyday diet, to get additional health benefits, along with the hydration of water. In case the heat is making you feel very dizzy, try to get some rest under a shady area, and wait for some time before you have something to drink. Otherwise, it might lead to nausea.
- When you're out and about, find a great tree to relax beneath if you truly want to cool off. Thanks to a process called transpiration, the shade from trees is actually cooler than the shade from buildings and other man-made structures. A tree regulates its internal water flow and releases moisture into the atmosphere to keep both the air around it and itself cool.
There's a good reason why spicy cuisine is so well-liked in hot areas. It turns out that consuming something hot keeps you cool. The component in peppers called capsaicin attaches to the pain receptors in your mouth to make food hot. Your body begins to perspire as a result of your brain interpreting this as being hot, which helps to cool you off. It's a clever approach to cool off when it's hot outside since you can do all of this without actually boosting your body temperature.
Thanks to menthol, a compound in the plant that functions the opposite way capsaicin does by deceiving your body into thinking it is cold, a cup of peppermint tea is a terrific way to make your insides feel cool and tingly. This beverage serves two purposes you can spray mint tea directly on your skin to promote evaporative and mentholated cooling.
- In the summer, becoming dehydrated is a surefire way to become overheated, so be sensible and drink more water whenever you can. Water is abundant in seasonal produce including watermelon, mangoes, litchis, melons, and cucumbers. They also don't require cooking, are simple to digest, and taste better during their season than they do the rest of the year. They are, in other words, the ideal snack for summer.
Happy Health!