The resin of the Boswellia tree, also known as olibanum, is used to make frankincense. It is usually found in the dry, hilly regions of India, Africa, and the Middle Eas. Frankincense can be ingested as a supplement, absorbed through the skin, or inhaled for its woody, spicy scent. Frankincense is a substance used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine that has been linked to a number of health advantages, including lowered asthma symptoms and enhanced oral health.

  • Aromatherapy - Frankincense oil’s pleasant scent makes it suitable to treat anxiety, stress, and even depression. When used in a diffuser, it aromatizes your house and helps reduce worrying thoughts. If you suffer from insomnia or irregular sleeping patterns, this oil will work like a miracle! 
  • Boosts immunity - Research has found that frankincense oil boosts immunity, by preventing bacteria-led diseases in the gut and colon. Add 1-2 drops to a glass of water, and make it a daily habit! It can also be used as a mouthwash, and help prevent diseases such as bad breath, gum problems, cavities, toothache, mouth sores, et cetera. 
  • Prevents signs of aging - Frankincense strengthens skin and improves its elasticity, treats blemishes, and other signs of aging. It reduces the appearance of scars and acne, and also fades stretch marks, surgery scars, or cracked skin. 
  • Balances hormones - This oil regulates hormones, and treats irregular period patterns. When used during your periods, it also relieves menstrual cramps and uneasiness near the abdomen region. 

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