Stretching: How to do it correctly & what are its benefits?
There are numerous ways to be healthy, right? By eating healthy, working out regularly, quitting smoking/drinking, cutting down on sugars, etc. But one of the things often left ignored is stretching. We forget to look after our stretchability, and it leads to our body having zero to no flexibility. And this should never happen. Because not only can stretching help increase your flexibility, which is an important factor of fitness, but it can also improve your posture, reduce stress and body aches, and more. But it’s never too late. You can start right now too. So what are some of the ways you can increase your body’s flexibility? The following steps might help -
- Increase your physical activity — In today’s lifestyle, sitting for long hours in front of a laptop/computer screen has become the usual thing. As harmful as it is for our eyes, it is equally damaging for our overall posture. Continuous sitting, without much physical activity, leads to your joint bones getting unmovable and rigid. And this is exactly why it is absolutely necessary for you to move your limbs as much as possible while working or studying. Whenever free for a while, stretch your arms and legs. You can also do some quick exercises to build energy and stamina.
- Aerobics — Taking out an hour for yourself is extremely important. And if exercise makes you yawn, aerobics will be a game-changer for you. There are numerous online classes available, for you to follow the steps. Or if you want a strict regime, you can most definitely join an offline class, where an instructor will guide you. Aerobics is very good for your body’s overall flexibility as well as building stamina.
- Stretchability Exercises — Usually, along with aerobics, your trainer will also make you do some additional stretching/ab exercises. These exercises will help you achieve high flexibility and core strength. If you want to try them at home, follow a Youtube tutorial or read a blog. Always start off with easy exercises. Then as you progress, increase the difficulty level.
- Static & Dynamic stretching — Before a workout, dynamic stretching is done. Dynamic, because in these stretching exercises, you don’t hold your position for long. Whereas in static stretching, which is done after a workout, you hold a position for 10–30 seconds, eg. plank, limb stretching, etc.
- Increases muscular blood flow — Doing stretches on a regular basis improves your circulation. Improved circulation increases blood flow to your muscles, which can shorten your recovery time and reduce muscle soreness
- Improves body posture — Muscle imbalances are common and can lead to poor posture. One study found that a combination of strengthening and stretching specific muscle groups can reduce musculoskeletal pain and encourage proper alignment. That, in turn, may help improve your posture.
- Relieves stress — When you’re experiencing stress, there’s a good chance your muscles are tense. That’s because your muscles tend to tighten up in response to physical and emotional stress. Focus on areas of your body where you tend to hold your stress, such as your neck, shoulders, and upper back.
- Calms down your mind — Participating in a regular stretching program not only helps increase your flexibility but can also calm your mind. While you stretch, focus on mindfulness and meditation exercises, which give your mind a mental break.
Along with stretching, it is also important to eat good and healthy food. Especially, when you work out, it is essential to eat light snacks, that keep you energized and fresh throughout. Following foods might help -
- Fox Nuts — Also popular as lotus seeds, fox nuts are most commonly known as makhana. Very popular in snacks and even religious offerings, fox nuts are a bundle full of nutrition and health. They are widely cultivated in Asia, fox nuts have also been used in traditional medicine, thanks to their amazing nutritional value and health benefits. Being rich in calcium, and magnesium, they are helpful in weight loss, improving heart health, stabilizing blood sugar levels, and regulating cholesterol levels.
- Flax Seeds Roasted — Commonly known as ‘alsi’ or ‘tisi’ among Indian groups, flax seeds are a source of high-functioning nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, Omega-6, potassium, and lignans. Flax seeds are also good sources of Vitamin B and antioxidants, which help in fighting inflammation and reducing cholesterol. When roasted, these seeds offer you the same benefits, just with enhanced flavor and easier usage.
- Sunflower Seed Roasted — Several studies have found that sunflower seeds can play a tremendous role in improving our immune system, regulating heart health, increasing energy levels, and preventing cardiovascular diseases. These seeds can be eaten raw, roasted, or mixed with a dish of your choice.
- Pumpkin Green Seeds Roasted — These are excellent sources of elements such as magnesium, zinc, and copper, and provide proteins, fibers, and essential fats to your body. Pumpkin Seed Green Roasted are also excellent providers of antioxidants, which are important for blood level regulation and cholesterol control. As for their numerous benefits, pumpkin seeds strengthen the heart, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases.
So follow the above-mentioned points, and make a positive change in your life.
Happy Health!