A hybrid of spearmint and watermint, peppermint has been in use for hundreds and hundreds of years. Its refreshing smell, healing properties, and hygiene benefits make it one of the most popular ingredients used in personal care products. Extracted from the same plant of peppermint, peppermint essential oil provides you with the same benefits, with more effectiveness and concentration. When used correctly, it can successfully treat digestive troubles, ease nausea, reduce stress levels, and improve imbalanced sleep patterns. Let’s see how peppermint essential oil benefits us in a bit more detail, shall we? -

  • Treats gut troubles - Peppermint essential oil soothes the muscles of your stomach, thus improving the flow of bile, which further improves digestion and prevents indigestion. Its cool essence also ensures your gut remains healthy i.e. gas-free, without microbes, and clear. 
  • Eases uneasiness - Nausea, headache, other unknown discomforts can take down your mood in an instant. There are times when such problems arise due to underlying health issues, but other times, they tease you due to poor lifestyle habits, or stress and anxiety. Whenever in such a situation, peppermint essential oil can be of great advantage, as it works miraculously to soothe nausea et cetera. 
  • As a disinfectant - When you add peppermint essential oil to water and spray it inside your home or mop the floor with this mixture, there are solid chances of harmful microbes getting eliminated, thus providing you with a healthy and clean environment to live in. 
  • Stress reliever - Thanks to the pleasant scent of this oil, it is extremely helpful in treating stress and anxiety troubles. When used for aromatherapy, peppermint essential oil has been found to reduce work as well as lifestyle-related stress, and even ease anxious thoughts, thus providing better sleep. 


  • Dilute with water/drinks - For ingestion purposes, peppermint essential oil should never be taken without dilution, as it has a high concentration, and can potentially harm your insides. Thus, add a few drops of it to a glass of water or other drinks before drinking. 
  • Add to a diffuser - For aromatherapy, add a few drops of this oil to a diffuser and let the aroma soothe your nerves, and eliminate burdensome stress and worry. 
  • Mix with water - If you want to make a disinfectant mixture, add some peppermint essential oil to water and spray/mop with the thus-formed mix. Doing this will kill disease-causing germs, and safeguard you from any unnecessary health ailments. 
  • Inhale directly - In case you are feeling uneasy, inhaling peppermint essential oil can help you uplift your mood. Its distinctly refreshing aroma renders it wonderful to water down uncomfortable sensations such as nausea and headache etc.

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