Cinnamon Leaf is used in Indian cuisines for its enticing aroma, from the same plant of Cinnamomum is derived the Cinnamon Leaf Oil, via the steam distillation of leaves. Earlier used quite exclusively in the flavoring industry, recent years have witnessed the therapeutic and health benefits of the oil. With its sweet smell and tons of benefits, Cinnamon Leaf Oil is brilliant in the following ways - 

  • Aromatherapy - When diffused in a diffuser or sprayed (diluted) in the air, Cinnamon Leaf Oil is a very capable stress reliever. Its pleasing fragrance reduces anxiety, thus helping with comfortable sleep and relaxation. It enhances mood by eliminating unwanted tension, invigorates the mind and body. 
  • Antimicrobial - Cinnamon Leaf Oil has antimicrobial properties, which make it one of the most effective products for combating bacteria and fungi breeding around us. Spraying it (diluted) can eliminate air-borne microbes that tend to cause fevers and infections. Massaging a few drops on your wrists and neck can effectively save you against bugs and disease-causing insects. You can also mix it with disinfectants to get a microbe-free and fragrant living space. 
  • Hair strength - Hair masks made by combining a few drops of Cinnamon Leaf Oil with honey, and avocado might help in strengthening hair, and giving it its lost luster.
  • Body oils/moisturizers - Mixing 1-2 drops of Cinnamon Leaf Oil with your everyday body oils/lotions/moisturizers can help in eliminating the problem of body odor, as the oil kills odor-causing bacteria, which further improves your skin. 

How to Use Cinnamon Leaf Oil? 

  • Diffuser/humidifier - Adding a few drops of Cinnamon Leaf Oil to a diffuser or humidifier will help you in dealing with stress and anxiety better. Its refreshing aroma fans away from the burdening worries, thus helping you with a healthier and more productive lifestyle. Its aroma also builds a cozy, happier environment inside the house, which can prove extremely efficient in determining happiness levels. 
  • Room freshener - Cinnamon has always been popular for its sweet scent. Similarly, Cinnamon Leaf Oil has an alluring scent as well. To use it as a room freshener, you can either use it in a diffuser/humidifier, or dilute it with some water, and spray it into the air to get fresher, purer, healthier air to breathe. 
  • Carrier Oil - Mix a few drops of Cinnamon Leaf Oil with any oil/lotion/cream of your choice, and apply it to your body. It will get rid of body odor, by also enhancing your mood due to its satisfying aroma.

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