Known as Salvia Hispanica in the scientific community, Chia seeds are popular as Salba chia and Mexican chia as well. Often gray in color, they are obtained from a flowering plant of the mint family native to central and southern Mexico. Recent years have witnessed the flourish of chia seeds all over the world, thanks to their flavor-enhancing power, as well as their uniquely delicious texture, which offers your regular puddings, ice-creams, smoothies, shakes a new and refreshing touch. Considering the widespread popularity, there is yet not much known by the people about it. So today, let’s get all your flaming questions answered about CHIA SEEDS!
- How are chia seeds good for our health?
Well, when added to the everyday diet, chia seeds are immensely great for health and immunity. Being rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, they are great for regulating blood pressure, improving immunity, controlling weight, improving heart health, and reducing inflammation. It also has amylose and plenty of electrolytes, which helps in keeping your CNS properly functioning.
- Can you only eat chia seeds for breakfast or meals?
Excessive consumption of anything is dangerous for our health, the same applies to chia seeds. Whenever consuming, make sure you do NOT eat too much of it, as it absorbs a lot of water, and over-consumption might lead to gut troubles, such as constipation and congestion. Always eat chia seeds in proper quantities, depending on the kind of dish you are preparing/eating.
- Are chia seeds bad for diabetic people?
Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, and magnesium. All of these nutrients are essential to keep type 2 diabetes under control, as well as prevent future health complications. However, chia seeds should NOT be solely used to keep diabetes in check. They should be used along with a healthy diet and medication, as prescribed by your doctor.
- How can one use chia seeds in dishes?
The most popular incorporation of chia seeds is in smoothies and puddings. Their unique, smooth, melting texture enhances overall flavor, while also making these regular dishes special. You can also use chia seeds in drinks, protein shakes, salads, or with cakes, pastries, and chocolate.