Skin Care Habits That Might be Harming You Indirectly
We love our skin. And so we do our best to keep it healthy and fine. Yet, our skin seems to neglect our intense love and care, and that’s when we notice the appearance of pimples and acne on our faces. Acne can happen due to several reasons, such as hormonal imbalance, external factors, lack of sleep, improper sleep schedule, et cetera. And all of these require different kinds of treatments. But there are some common mistakes you might still be doing that are triggering acne/pimples on your face.
- Not washing your face - washing your face twice a day is very important. So if you are one of those people who only wash your face once a day should take note. Choose a face wash/cleanser according to your skin type and make sure to wash your face at least twice a day. If you’re one with oily skin, use a cleanser as well as a face wash. Bottom line is, that when you go to bed at night, your face should be clean and germ-free.
- Using physical exfoliators - As much as we feel that physical exfoliators are the ultimate game changers, they cause your skin a lot of unnecessary harm. Your face will be prone to wear and tear, and this might even lead to unwanted and premature wrinkles and signs of aging. Instead, opt for a chemical exfoliator. Use it according to the packaging, and see a healthy difference in your skin.
- Stop picking at your skin - as much as we are already aware of the pitfalls of picking at your skin, we often find ourselves trying to squeeze out all that gunk and sebum, which often leaves us with more irritated and red skin. And the dark spots left behind because of picking take much longer to fade than the normal pimple/acne marks. That’s why never pick at your skin. Always rely on chemical exfoliators to get rid of excess oil and gunk. You can also try using clay face packs to absorb extra sebum and dirt.
- Not shampooing properly - If you shampoo your hair upright, beware! The lather that drips down your face might be causing you acne. Yes, we know that you wash it off, but shampoo consists of some really harsh chemicals which can stay on the skin even after washing it thoroughly. To prevent this, try to shampoo your hair in a bowing position. This way, you will not get any lather on your face.
- Using dirty towels & pillowcases - because we can’t see these microscopic germs with the naked eye doesn’t mean they don’t harm your skin. If you forget to clean your towel every week, then it’s time you start doing so. Because the germs on your towel might be the devil behind your skin troubles. Also, make sure you keep your pillowcases clean and dirt-free. When you sleep at night, your skin brushes against the pillowcases the most. And that’s why acne can definitely happen. So to avoid this, keep your pillowcases washed and clean.
- Not using skin-appropriate products - Before starting a skincare regime, always make sure to choose products that will benefit your skin type. Because if you don’t do so, the skincare you expect to do magic on your skin will actually wreak havoc. And we don’t want that now, do we? If you’ve oily skin, use products that aim at reducing sebum production and clear clogged pores (non-comedogenic). If you’ve dry skin, choose a moisturizer that is intensely nourishing.
Happy Health!