Virgin Jojoba Oil:Rich in Vitamins E, A, D. Moisturizes skin, treats hair loss & split ends, softens feet cracks, and acts as a makeup remover & cleanser.How to use: Massage your skin and hair.
Eucalyptus Oil:This winter season, don't rely on chemicals-infused moisturizers to keep your skin nourished. C...
Virgin Jojoba Oil: Rich in Vitamins E, A, D. Moisturizes skin, treats hair loss & split ends, softens feet cracks, and acts as a makeup remover & cleanser. How to use: Massage your skin and hair.
Eucalyptus Oil: This winter season, don't rely on chemicals-infused moisturizers to keep your skin nourished. Choose Eucalyptus Essential Oil, and see it work wonders to your dry, winter skin! How to use: Dilute with carrier oils to apply on hair or skin.
Lavender Oil: Relieves stress & anxiety. Soothes sunburns, blisters & boils. Repels bugs & insects. Improves sleep pattern. How to Use: Add 3-4 drops to a diffuser. Mix with carrier oils.
Orange Oil: Rich in Vitamin C, treats acne, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation, and also eliminates body odor. How to Use: Mix with carrier oils.