After eating an orange, what do you do with the rind? You usually throw it away, right? It is inedible, bitter - what good would it even do to eat it? Well, it is actually really nutritious and extremely useful for several health purposes. But don’t worry - you don’t have to eat the orange rind directly! Its goodness has been made accessible to you in the form of Orange Essential Oil. Extracted via cold pressing the orange rind, this oil works as an anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, antiseptic agent. To know more about it, keep reading! -

  • Kills germs - Orange Essential Oil has been found really effective against the microbial activity. It actively fights their attack and prevents infections, which makes it a good disinfectant and sanitizer. 
  • Reduces stress - It has a sweet, fruity, citrus scent; which makes it a great stress-reliever. When used in aromatherapy, it can effectively cut down everyday stress, and alleviate anxiety. 
  • Provides antioxidants - It inhibits the growth of certain cells and enzymes, thus deducting risks of several diseases and internal bodily malfunctions. 
  • Eliminates inflammation - Massaging areas affected by pain can successfully relieve you of discomfort and uneasiness. It is capable of reducing inflammation caused due to injury, labor, and age. 

How to use it? -

  • Spray - Mix some drops of Orange Essential Oil with water to make a disinfectant spray. Spray it inside your house, bathroom, room corners, to get rid of unwanted microbes. 
  • With carrier oils - For body massages, mix it with carrier oils such as almond oil or coconut oil. 
  • In a diffuser - Add a few drops of Orange Essential Oil to a diffuser/humidifier. Its fruity scent refreshes the surroundings, while also reducing stress and anxiety.

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