Native to several regions of Europe, Asia, and South Africa, Geranium essential oil is derived via steam distilling the leaves of Pelargonium graveolens. Its health benefits for skin date back to ancient Egypt, where Geranium is believed to have been used for face glow and youthfulness.  As an essential oil, Geranium is beneficial to promote the appearance of healthy skin and voluminous hair - making it useful for skin and hair care products. Moreover, its enticing aroma helps create a calm, relaxing atmosphere. 

    • For Skin - Geranium’s beauty benefits are not only limited to imparting youth and radiance to your face but also as an anti-inflammatory agent, which acts as an acne treatment and treats skin irritation, as well as swelling in arms and legs caused due to edema. 
    • For Hair - Geranium essential oil for hair growth and regrowth has been used for a long time. Regular usage helps control dryness, excess sebum production, and dandruff - making your scalp healthy. By locking in the right amount of moisture and oil, it protects hair follicles and prevents hair fall, making way for strong, voluminous, and shiny hair! 
  • Aromatherapy - If you’re looking for an effective Geranium essential oil for anxiety and sleep, you’ve come to the right place. This oil, when added to a diffuser, aromatizes your living space, utilizing its scent to soothe tension, stress, and anxiety, and promote proper sleep. 

  • How to Use? -

    • Topical (external) -

      For skin - Mix 2-3 drops of Geranium essential oil with other facial oils, gels, or creams. It can also be diluted with water as a spot treatment.
      For hair - Mix with carrier oils. (Not more than 5-6 drops at a time)

    • Aromatherapy - Add 5-6 drops to a diffuser. Or make an air spray by diluting a few drops with some water. To relieve headaches, rub a drop or two on your temples. Inhale directly from the bottle to ease nausea. 

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